Wednesday, April 9, 2008

When trust is lost

Obviously this isn’t an everyday blog for me, but more “when I feel the notion” to write something. Why have I taken keyboard in hand today? I’ve been thinking of friends, or more the so-called friends in life that is. For instance, take someone you’ve known for many years. Someone you trust. Someone you can count on. Then one day this person violates your trust in a most profound way. I don’t mean the little arguments that friends have, or even the blowups that can occur on occasions over the stupidest things that later become fodder for jokes. But in a way that really digs deep and forgiveness just can’t be seen on the horizon. Why? What was the reason? What was the gain? The result however is the loss of someone you thought you could always trust. No more that supportive voice on the phone when you need it. No more that bond that helped you through the hard times. When it comes down to it, no matter how many people we’re surrounded by, you stand alone. What should we do during these times? Find something to hang onto. It doesn’t have to be a person, and in many ways it’s better if it isn’t a person. People have a way of letting you down. What should it be then? Music, books, pets, a destination you like to travel to, a hobby, a charity. There’s an endless supply if we just look and reach out for it. I’ve had to do this myself, so I can speak from experience. Is it a sure cure for what ails you? No, but it does give you something to look forward to, and in so many ways, that alone is enough.

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