Friday, April 11, 2008

The good ol' days...

As gas prices continually rise, a part of me wants to reminisce about the gas prices from when I had my first car, a 1970 VW Bug. I’ve had much nicer cars since then, but I’ll always have a soft spot for those old bugs. Mine was crème yellow with red front seats, a black back seat, a rusty coat hanger for an antenna, and the heater barely worked enough to keep the frost bite from forming on your toes. I loved that car!! Of course knowing what’s important in life, I had a killer stereo system in it. Do I remember how much gas was per gallon? No. But it seems as though it was less than a dollar. What I do remember is that it only took about $10 to fill the tank. It always took $10 because I had to always fill the tank. The gas gauge never worked so I never knew how much gas I had, so my best bet was to fill the tank, drive 200 miles and then fill it up again. This worked pretty well until I got lost once on a back country road. Thankfully the people at the house I walked to were kind enough to let me use a can of gas they had reserved for the lawn mower. Once I was back on the road, I vowed never to run out of gas again. Well…at least I was close to a friend’s house when did it happen again. Now instead of $10 to fill the tank, it takes just over $70. Ah, the good ol’ days…

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