2009 has finally arrived, and after a rough 2008, I have high hopes for this year. I'll admit that 2008 had a few high spots, but for the most part it sucked the big one. It was a year that started out with my very first visit to New York City in January of 2008, but also January ended with the death of my step father. While I was in New York, he had a heart attack and went into a comma. He never regained consciousness. Another close death a few months later, not to mention the slow dying agony of my 401(k), and I was glad to see 2008 end.
Now that I've depressed my one loyal reader...
Today I decided to start off the new year and try to set in motion a plan of what I can do to make this a much better year than the last. I even decided to take a look at my horoscope for kicks. I don't normally look at horoscopes, because I put about as much faith in them as I put into what my fortune cookie tells me, but I thought "what the hell? "
This was my horoscope for today:
Pursue your dreams today. What you want in life isn't going to be handed to you.
You need to avoid the temptation to take on new challenges today -- you've got enough going on! It's one of those days when you are much better off sticking with the tried and true.
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