Thursday, July 9, 2009

Isn't it funny how the more things change, the more they stay the same?

When I was young, my mother use to pack my lunch for school. Bologna sandwich's some days, peanut butter on others, sometimes peanut butter and jelly, and even cheese sandwich's on occasions. The basic sandwich seemed to be a staple of my youth. Of course I had to put my foot down when Mom would pack a pimento cheese sandwich in my lunch box. That was one of the nemisis of my young culinary days. That along with Hominy and green peas. Three foods that I can't eat to this very day without envolking a gag reflex. There are other foods that have this same effect, but these are three that come to mind.

Now I'm an adult (mainly in years but not attitude), am a college graduate, own a home and have a professional career. Some days I go out for lunch and enjoy spicy Thai food. Other days I'll grab some BBQ, and even on rare occasions I might get a salad. However, with places like Subway, Jersey Mike's, and Jason's Deli close at hand, the sandwich is still very much in the forefront. Of course now as I'm trying to watch my spending like so many other people in todays economy, I'm trying to pack my lunch more often. And now as in my youth, often times I'm packing the same types of sandwich's. What was on today's menu? The tried and true, a Bologna sandwich.

Apparently some things never change...

Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Year and a confusing horoscope

2009 has finally arrived, and after a rough 2008, I have high hopes for this year. I'll admit that 2008 had a few high spots, but for the most part it sucked the big one. It was a year that started out with my very first visit to New York City in January of 2008, but also January ended with the death of my step father. While I was in New York, he had a heart attack and went into a comma. He never regained consciousness. Another close death a few months later, not to mention the slow dying agony of my 401(k), and I was glad to see 2008 end.

Now that I've depressed my one loyal reader...

Today I decided to start off the new year and try to set in motion a plan of what I can do to make this a much better year than the last. I even decided to take a look at my horoscope for kicks. I don't normally look at horoscopes, because I put about as much faith in them as I put into what my fortune cookie tells me, but I thought "what the hell? "

This was my horoscope for today:



Pursue your dreams today. What you want in life isn't going to be handed to you.


You need to avoid the temptation to take on new challenges today -- you've got enough going on! It's one of those days when you are much better off sticking with the tried and true.


'What the hell,' was right!! Do I pursue my dreams or just stay put? Doesn't anyone proof read these things? Hell, that last fortune cookie gave me a better outlook on life then this piece of crap! It read, "You have many talents," even though I have no idea what they may be. But at least I left the restaurant full and mysteriously talented. Perhaps one of those new found talents will help make this a better year because I sure can't count on my horoscope to guide my way.